Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Decorate your bento or other dishes with nori in the shape of Santa's face. Simply place a piece of Nori in the punch, press and you will have a Christmas food decoration idea. Content: 1 Nori Punch Santa Clause
Winter and Christmas garland with 9 cute snowman motifs in various colours. Length: approx. 150cmSize of motives: approx. 10-12cmMaterial: Paper
Spiral Christmas garland in red and white with Santa in his slay as top motif. Height: approx. 53cmSize of motives: approx. 11cm in height and 13cm in widthMaterial: PES, PP, metal
Stylish decorative Christmas garland with 8 Christmas motifs in black and white. Length: approx. 100cmSize of motives: approx. 11cmMaterial: Paper
Molds to bring boiled eggs in the form of Santa Claus or reindeer. The use is very simple.Peel an egg immediately after boiling and put it into the mould. Put the mould (with the egg inside) for about 10 minutes in a bowl of cold waterContent: 2 egg moulds (1 Santa Clause and 1 reindeer)
Grow your own Christmas tree on your table. It will grow in about 12 hours and last for about a month. Just unfold the paper tree, separate the branches and place it in the provided tray. Pour the magic water into the tray and about an hour later the "needles" will begin to grow. Content:1 x paper tree (ca. 97mm in diameter and 160mm high) 1 x...